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sabato 21 gennaio 2012

NO MORE PROBLEMS IN THE SKY!: 'Full Stop for an Infernal Planet or The Schizophrenic Sensorial Epileptic and Foreign Languages' - Louis Wolfson [SEMIOTEXT(e), Schizo-culture, III, 2, 1978]

We shall see at the times of the noblest, the most glorious, the most musical ("One Hundred Thousand Love Songs"), the sexiest, the most transcendent, the most altruistic and equally themost selfish, the most excusable, the most intelligent, especially the healthiest, and the holiest, the most divine instant that a humanity can attain anywhere and anytime, while the redemptive flame of one hundred thousand good -bombs is lit and one hundred thousand new happy little celestial bodies are born, we shall see whether we suffer or lick the flames or if we are too stunned by the shock to understand what's happening or too blessed, or one or the other according to personal, individual fate, chance, Providence... Or perhaps the blessed apocalypse would come immediately after some scientists succeed in producing momentarily four whole ounces of so-called anti-matter, supposedly consisting of anti-particles, which alone would suffice for the sanctification of everyone
of us, four ounces of anti-water, for example, somewhat less than one hundred and twenty-five grams (the contents therefore of one fourth of an enema, or little enema or shouldn't we rather say "anti-enema"]). All dead, all "equal," all good socialists, good communists, good democrats, good republicans, good crusaders, good Zionists, good islamized... all beatified... no more reaction,revolution, counterrevolution, "establishment," consumer society, gadgets, or consumption of any
kind... and finally the world-wide revolution consummated... no more need to seduce the voters, to agree with the leader or the troika of the party, to pander to presidents of the republic, to erect altars to dead old enemas of politicians, to lick the arses of their corpses... no more need to fart, to piss, to shit... no more need to suffer, to make suffer... to ratiocinate, to philosophize on a frightful, monstrous phenomenon, to pray to God, all of us being triumphantly in His kingdom, with the angels... a planetary kamikaze or Massada, a perfect Islamic submission...

Mister President (or Minister, Chancellor, Senator, Ambassador, Representative, Mayor....) Y**Z**
(Dear) Sir,
I have sent a letter similar to what follows to the Secretary-General of the UN: I cannot understand why people at the UN and elsewhere, who are supposed to be intelligent and who apparently like to think of themselves as "good people" keep talking about the limitation of nuclear arms or even about disarmament! If you consider that around three thousand years ago our poor planet was infected with only 50 million (perhaps a slightly low estimate) copies (while, certainly, a single
specimen would already have been too many) of the unfortunate human species; if you imagine having had at the time a pile of good H-bombs at your disposal and having used them to crumble the crust of this damned planet Earth and possibly to convert it into a second chain of 
asteroids, first large ring of such little celestial bodies being located between the orbits or Mars and Jupiter; and if you consider then what a litany of unspeakable horrors which still continue and are synonymous with humanity would not have occurred...!! What philosopher would have even dreamed, thirty-five years ago, of thus attacking the so-sick matter which we all are? What philanthropist? What man of good will?
But now we absolutely must not miss the chance - and to have such a chance is too good to be true - finally to bring to an end at last this infamous litany of abominations that we all are (collectively and individually); and I mean by that, obviously, in a complete atomic-nuclear way! Don't they say that the best medicine is prophylactic medicine? The tragedy, the true catastrophe - despite what the notable liars seem to want to sell us - is that humanity continues... while the divine benediction would be qualified as thermonuclear or some equivalent thereof. Not to be of this opinion is to be selfish, criminal, monstrous, if not stark mad.
Yours faithfully,
P.S. I suppose that all, or nearly all, religions, if one also wants to look at things from that angle, conceive of Hell or Hades as a subterranean place. But if the Earth were converted into a large ring of planetoids around the sun, then no more "under world"....! As go the words of a certain popular song: "No more problems in the sky." And as the Pope said during his trip to the Far-East: "God is light," and without a doubt included there is the resurrectional light at the time of a planetary disintegration... the disintegration of an infernal star. However, such letters naturally having no perceptible effect, perhaps even an effect contrary to the one sought, our protagonist would become a partisan of violence, of arsons and assassinations, and would hope -all the more naively, since a certain ignorance, a certain cowardice, a certain
indifference reign... over all - that men and women of true good will would suppress as quickly as possible the monsters of cruelty all over the world who speak of the limitation of armaments... and thus reveal their "prenuclear," outdated, infantile, unrealistic, backward, hypocritical, inhuman way of thinking... and likewise a fanatical zeal for turning their backs on certain marvelous properties of matter which are known at last and infinitely beneficial....! (It is not then, for example, visits, be they reciprocal and with a minimum of red-tape, between East and West Berliners or between East and West Germans, that are needed, but rather the audacious attempt to enable all humanity, in as
short a time as possible, to take intergalactic trips through the skies...! It is quite understandable that so many made such a big deal over the famous lunar expeditions ["a giant step...!"], which however took a week for the round-trip in space although our natural satellite is only two lightseconds away. So if you consider that, flying at the speed of light [300,000 kilometers per second], it would still take one hundred thousand years [diameter of the disc] to traverse only our own galaxy [the Milky Way: 100,000 million ( = 100 billion} stars among which our sun is only one of average size less then two-thirds of a million typographic characters in the present work and that it would take one hundred sixty thousand more years at the same "giddy" speed to reach the nearest neighboring galaxy, one among hundreds of millions of others and whose numbers seem limited only by the lone power [extending however to a distance of billions of light-years] of man to
penetrate his cosmos and these hundreds of millions of galaxies seem to move away from each other at unbelievable speeds [an exploding universe, but alas! not quickly enough for the great salvation of all Earthlings]...!) Whatever heights science may attain, it may only make more and more patent two facts: 1. Those heights can only be attained by mercilessly crushing and walking over mountains of human beings.
2. And indeed be it for this single reason, all of planet Earth should become as quickly as possible a radioactive desert or disappear through disintegration. Do those who hold power have to wait, before they'll submit to the obvious, until the world population becomes so enormous that more people will die every day than there are in a nation of respectable size today? Until the chaos and the impossibility of finding legitimate meaning are multiplied by the infinite? Until 
everyone has become raving mad? And the "future generations" down here that we talk about so much, are they anything but mineral salts in the earth, fluid or even solid water, gas, molecules in the air, and such little "tripe", which - in the course of the processes of germination and growth - would become plants which would be guzzled up by pregnant women or gobbled by herbivores, whose flesh in turn, would be ingested by those same pregnant women...?! The true good fortune of the "future generations" would be for them not to materialize at all!!

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