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venerdì 13 gennaio 2012

Beyond the advanced psychiatric society: POSITION PAPER 1 [December 2010- april 2011]

[it seems to me that a position paper 2 is quite in order now! GC]

Psychiatric power/ bureaucratic power-
Agency and empowerment-
What does it mean to rehabilitate-
What does it mean to cure -
May one get crazy ?-
Existential/humanistic/transpersonal psychotherapy-
Extreme experiences ; their personal  elaboration, their social elaboration-
Case tests : for example the deaths of Sylvia Plath and of Sarah Kane, Marie Cardinal’s life-
Philosophy of psychotherapy-
Philosophy of ‘alternative’ therapies-
What is psychiatry ? What is antipsychiatry ?-
Basaglia, Tommasini, others-
First-person accounts of lived experiences-
Relationships with postcolonial, feminist, homosexual discourse-
Relationships with technoscience-
Thought police, and police per se-

Some texts which might be used (just to name something):
S.Plath: Bell Jar, Johnny Panic, the poems ; Marie Cardinal : in other words ;
Max Weber : on bureaucracy ;  S.Kane : 4 :48 pychosis ;
Betty Friedan : the feminine mystique ; Michael Hemmingson’s book on Tijuana (Zona Norte… ) ;
Gloria Anzaldua : la frontera ; L.Kontos’ Encyclopedia of gangs ; Richard Yates’ Revolutionary Road

This blog moves from a work I began some time ago- see for example the whole series of notes (29, I think) , ‘paths of antipsichiatry’, published in my fb pages, and also several essays published or not ; but it goes back too to all the comments and discussions which took place around these, - and lastly and in a substantial way to a vast ensemble of exchanges among persons qua persons, mental health professionals, so called sick people : this being an extremely rigid tripartition, because roles can overlap, variously mix up, be exchanged- and anyway intuitions, visions, hypothetical or definitive conclusions may come from any side. Common to many is the dissatisfaction with a psychiatry often lived as mere means of social readaptation (if not of repression/ social control). But what alternatives are there ? And what do they promise (and what do they cost- not just from the economical point of view) ? And how does all of this tie in with the complex of our social system (or systems) ?
This blog  hopes to give voice and visibilty to these problems and to this rhizome of experiences.

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