From Edward Soja's postmodern geographies to the 1992 riots to the post-suburban sprawl to the multiple technological and social revolutions to...
MICHAEL DEAR, 'Prendre Los-Angeles au sérieux : temps et espace dans la ville post-moderne' [Futur Antérieur 29: 1995/3]
MATTHEW E. ELLIOTT, 'Erasure and Reform: Los Angeles Literature and the Reconstruction of the Past' [2004, 247 pp.]
Paesaggi del desiderio/ mitologie anglo di Los Angeles (1) (2)]
Paesaggi del desiderio/ mitologie anglo di Los Angeles (1) (2)]
The LA Theory is logically and structurally connected to the theory of Tijuana- a little like the hidden face of the planet of the apes is connected with apes triunphant, or like the sublime, cold and impassionate Law is united to its monstrous supplement of naked fury. Besides, LA is monstrous its part (in all of the four 'ecologies' Reynert Banham described) (just see the chapter on 'California noir' in Mike Davis' book on THE CITY, as Edward Soja called it))