At the crossroads is a mountain of stones; the shortened figure of a god rises above it, figured as far down as his chest. This then is the hill of Mercury. Traveller, raise up garlands to the god, that to you he may show the proper road. We are all at the crossroads, and we mistake our course in life, if the God himself does not show the way.
Qua dii vocant, eundum
In trivio mons est lapidum: supereminet illi
Trunca Dei effigies, pectore facta tenus.
Mercurii est igitur tumulus: suspende viator
Serta Deo, rectum qui tibi monstret iter.
Omnes in trivio sumus, atque hoc tramite vitae
Fallimur, ostendat ni Deus ipse viam.
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