venerdì 14 giugno 2013

For the love of Norman Brown [Robert Gibson Patterson: "Norman O. Brown: A 20th Century Intellectual Odyssey", 2004/ Norman O. Brown, "Love's Body", 1966]

Literal meanings are icons become stone idols; the stone sepulcher, the stone tables of the law. The New Testament remained hidden in the Old, like water in the rock; until the cross of Christ broke the rock open. Iconoclasm, the word like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces.
Cf. Luther cited in Hahn, “Luthers Auslegungsgrundsätze,” 190n.
Jeremiah XXIII, 29. (LB-185)

Only the exaggerations are true. Credo quia absurdum; as in parables or poetry. Aphoristic form is suicide, or self-sacrifice; for truth must die. Intellect is sacrifice of intellect, or fire; which burns up as it gives light.
Cf. Bhagavad Gita, IV, 19.

Broken flesh, broken mind, broken speech. Truth, a broken body: fragments, or aphorisms; as opposed to systematic form or methods: “Aphorisms, representing a knowledge broken, do invite men to inquire farther; whereas Methods, carrying the show of a total, do secure men, as if they were at farthest.”
Bacon in McLuhan, Gutenberg Galaxy, 102-103.

Systematic form attempts to evade the necessity of death in the life of the mind as of the body; it has immortal longings on it, and so it remains dead. Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt. The rigor is rigor mortis; systems are wooden crosses, Procrustean beds on which the living mind is pinned. Aphorism is the form of death and resurrection: “the form of eternity.”
Kaufmann, Nletzsche, 66.
[Theodore Roszak, "The Making of a Counter Culture: Reflections on the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition" 1969: ]

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