giovedì 1 dicembre 2011

CS Lewis/ Alain Chartier: La belle dame sans merci- [untimely thoughts]

To make good chere, right sore himself he payned
And outwardly he fayned greet gladnesse;
To singe also by force he was constrayned
For no plesaunce, but very shamfastnesse;
For the complaynt of his most hevinesse
Came to his voice alwey without request,
Lyk as the soune of birdes doth expresse
Whan they sing loude in frith or in forest-

["De faire chiere s’efforçoit
Et menoit une joye Tainte
Et à chanter son cuer forçoit 
Non pas pour plaisir, mais pour crainte.
Car tousjours ung relaiz de plainte
S’enlassoit au ton de sa voix,
Et revenoit à son attainte
Comme l’oysel au chant du bois-"]

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